Out chasing butterflies March 22 - March 30. Orders placed during this time will begin processing on March 31.

White Lined Sphinx Moth (Hummingbird Moth) EGGS -- LIVE Moth eggs
White Lined Sphinx Moth (Hummingbird Moth) EGGS -- LIVE Moth eggs
White Lined Sphinx Moth (Hummingbird Moth) EGGS -- LIVE Moth eggs
White Lined Sphinx Moth (Hummingbird Moth) EGGS -- LIVE Moth eggs
White Lined Sphinx Moth (Hummingbird Moth) EGGS -- LIVE Moth eggs
White Lined Sphinx Moth (Hummingbird Moth) EGGS -- LIVE Moth eggs
White Lined Sphinx Moth (Hummingbird Moth) EGGS -- LIVE Moth eggs

White Lined Sphinx Moth (Hummingbird Moth) EGGS -- LIVE Moth eggs

Regular price $15.00 Sale

White Lined Sphinx Moth Eggs -- Hyles lineata

***May be offered in limited quantities in 2025.  Check back here for updates.  Most likely eggs will be available again in Spring 2026. 

****SHIPPING to ALL 50 States. 

This species has eggs that hatch very quickly.  We always ship these eggs fresh and Priority USPS.  

White Lined Sphinx are lovely hummingbird moths, common throughout the lower 48 states and the Pacific Northwest.  Typically active at dusk nectaring on various flowers, we also see these flying during the day throughout the Columbia Basin. When they hold still long enough, the distinctive pink coloring on their hindwings is gorgeous. (It's pretty as a fast-moving blur, too.) 

White Lined Sphinx caterpillars develop really interesting colorations as they get bigger. Within a single brood, you may see a wide variety of "plaid" colorations. They have a lot of personality and may occasionally nip you if they don't feel like being handled. (Don't worry. It's not painful or dangerous.) They are earth pupators, so we recommend reading up in advance on different methods for accommodating them.

Rearing Notes: This species is relatively disease resistant when kept in clean conditions as a caterpillar.  A great beginner species!

General Directions for working with eggsRaising Caterpillars From Eggs

Item Details:

  • You will receive ten (10) or twenty (20) White Lined Sphinx Moth eggs per order.  (Add additional 10 or 20 packs by quantity modification in the cart)
  • Eggs will hatch about 1 week after they are laid by the female.  
  • We guarantee shipping you live eggs, and check for egg fertility by keeping some reserve ova. There are no other guarantees.  Transit and caterpillar care risks are assumed by the buyer.
  • Make sure that your mail arrives in a cool location, or that someone is there to meet them on arrival.  (Eggs can cook in the sun, and we only refund if our reserve eggs don't hatch)
  • If temperatures in your area are expected to be over 85F, protect your eggs in transit with the insulated shipper with ice pack shipping option. 
  • Caterpillars will need plenty of pesticide-free leaves to munch on after hatching.  Here are a few species of plants that work well: Virginia Creeper, Four O'Clock, Evening Primrose, Fireweed, Grape, etc.  Other plants in similar families may be accepted.  
  • If you have additional questions, please email.  We will do our best to reply to questions as time permits.  Please be patient, as we're busy rearing large quantities of hungry caterpillars all season, and sometimes will be out collecting for days at a time too.